Critical Services That a Family Law Attorney in Lee’s Summit Provides

by | Dec 17, 2019 | Lawyers

When the harmony of your family is threatened by divorce, abandonment and other unforeseen circumstances, you need to protect yourself and your children at all costs. Rather than relegate yourself to accepting whatever your partner or spouse gives to you, you can take legal steps now to recoup money to which you are entitled.

By hiring a family law lawyer, Lee’s Summit, MO clients can begin the process promptly. An attorney from the Dana Outlaw law office can take decisive legal actions like filing your divorce, pursuing child custody and support payments, petitioning for abuse protection orders and more today.

Filing for Divorce

When you want to end your marriage to an abusive partner, you need to file for divorce in the state in which you and your spouse both live. By hiring a family law lawyer, Lee’s Summit, MO petitioners can get the paperwork filed immediately. The sooner that your legal team from the Dana Outlaw law office files your divorce, the sooner that you can get closure on this part of your life.

The divorce filing can also ask that your maiden name be restored and that the spouse be ordered to stay away from you and your children. If they want to visit the children, you can ask the court to require the visits to be supervised until the other parent gets counseling or is deemed to be safe to care for the children alone.

You can find out more about family law online at visit us website.

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